Problem with lwip mailbox or FreeRTOS Queue
I’m implementing lwip version 1.3.0 on the newly added FreeRTOS port for AVR32 AP7000 but i’m having a problem with a mailbox in lwip or a queue in FreeRTOS.
I have a printf in netcom accept just after the creation of the newconn pointer and after the sys_arch_mbox_fetch and they prints: "newconn 0x2af6" and "mbox fetch: 0x10013540 conn: 0x2af6 recmbox: 0xf01f0046"
In accept_function i have a printf just before the data is added to the mailbox and looks like this: "mailbox: 0x10013540 conn 0x10002600 recvmbox: 0x100136b0"
Why isn’t the data properly sent through the mailbox or queue?
Here’s the code from lwip:
* Accept a new connection on a TCP listening netconn.
* @param conn the TCP listen netconn
* @return the newly accepted netconn or NULL on timeout
struct netconn *
netconn_accept(struct netconn *conn)
struct netconn *newconn;
printf("newconn %pn", newconn);
LWIP_ERROR("netconn_accept: invalid conn", (conn != NULL), return NULL;);
LWIP_ERROR("netconn_accept: invalid acceptmbox", (conn->acceptmbox != SYS_MBOX_NULL), return NULL;);
if (sys_arch_mbox_fetch(conn->acceptmbox, (void *)&newconn, conn->recv_timeout) == SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT) {
newconn = NULL;
} else
sys_arch_mbox_fetch(conn->acceptmbox, (void *)&newconn, 0);
printf("mbox fetch: %p conn: %p recmbox: %pn",conn->acceptmbox, newconn, newconn->recvmbox);
#endif /* LWIP_SO_RCVTIMEO*/
/* Register event with callback */
if (newconn != NULL) {
/* Let the stack know that we have accepted the connection. */
struct api_msg msg;
msg.function = do_recv;
msg.msg.conn = conn;
return newconn;
* Accept callback function for TCP netconns.
* Allocates a new netconn and posts that to conn->acceptmbox.
* @see tcp.h (struct tcp_pcb_listen.accept) for parameters and return value
static err_t
accept_function(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
struct netconn *newconn;
struct netconn *conn;
#endif /* TCP_DEBUG */
#endif /* API_MSG_DEBUG */
conn = (struct netconn *)arg;
LWIP_ERROR("accept_function: invalid conn->acceptmbox",
conn->acceptmbox != SYS_MBOX_NULL, return ERR_VAL;);
/* We have to set the callback here even though
* the new socket is unknown. conn->socket is marked as -1. */
newconn = netconn_alloc(conn->type, conn->callback);
if (newconn == NULL) {
return ERR_MEM;
newconn->pcb.tcp = newpcb;
newconn->err = err;
/* Register event with callback */
printf("mailbox: %p conn %p recvmbox: %pn", conn->acceptmbox, newconn, newconn->recvmbox);
if (sys_mbox_trypost(conn->acceptmbox, newconn) != ERR_OK) {
/* When returning != ERR_OK, the connection is aborted in tcp_process(),
so do nothing here! */
newconn->pcb.tcp = NULL;
return ERR_MEM;
return ERR_OK;
Blocks the thread until a message arrives in the mailbox, but does
not block the thread longer than "timeout" milliseconds (similar to
the sys_arch_sem_wait() function). The "msg" argument is a result
parameter that is set by the function (i.e., by doing "*msg =
ptr"). The "msg" parameter maybe NULL to indicate that the message
should be dropped.
The return values are the same as for the sys_arch_sem_wait() function:
Number of milliseconds spent waiting or SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT if there was a
Note that a function with a similar name, sys_mbox_fetch(), is
implemented by lwIP.
u32_t sys_arch_mbox_fetch(sys_mbox_t mbox, void **msg, u32_t timeout)
void *dummyptr;
portTickType StartTime, EndTime, Elapsed;
StartTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
if( msg == NULL )
msg = &dummyptr;
if( timeout != 0 )
if(pdTRUE == xQueueReceive( mbox, &(*msg), timeout ) )
EndTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
Elapsed = EndTime – StartTime;
if( Elapsed == 0 )
Elapsed = 1;
return ( Elapsed );
else // timed out blocking for message
*msg = NULL;
else // block forever for a message.
while( pdTRUE != xQueueReceive( mbox, &(*msg), portMAX_DELAY ) ) // time is arbitrary
EndTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
Elapsed = EndTime – StartTime;
if( Elapsed == 0 )
Elapsed = 1;
return ( Elapsed ); // return time blocked TBD test
// Try immediately posting the "msg" to the mailbox.
sys_mbox_trypost(sys_mbox_t mbox, void *data)
if ( xQueueSend( mbox, &data, ( portTickType ) 1 ) == pdPASS )
return ERR_OK;
return ERR_MEM;
Problem with lwip mailbox or FreeRTOS Queue
Nevermind. I found the problem.
When a new mailbox is created i had changed the size from sizeof( void * ) to a dynamic size. This is not a good idea when queues in FreeRTOS use void pointers.