KINETIS K60 , IAR EW and PEMicro
Hello, I´m trying to download a code to my KINETIS K60 N512 MCU. The code is correct (without errors) I´m conecting my device trough the PE MICRO software and with a USB cable. When I click on downlad and debug, I see a message: “DEVICE IS SECURE, ERASE TO UNSECURE?” If I say NO, I have another message: “Fatal error: Failed to initializaise PEMicro interface DLL. Session Aborted!” and then another one: “Failed to load flash loader: C://….arm/config/flashloader/Freescale/FlashK60XXX.flash If I say YES, I see a message of CANNOT CONNECT WITH PEMicro.
KINETIS K60 , IAR EW and PEMicro
Please see note 1 on the following link: