/——-in **main **funtion ——————/ xMutexLed = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); xTaskCreate( vLED1FlashTask, ( signed char * ) “tLED1”,
LED1_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tLED1_TASK_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); /* *********** tLED2 *********** */
xTaskCreate( vLED2FlashTask, ( signed char * ) “tLED2”,
LED2_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tLED2_TASK_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); ———–2 tasks ————— portTASK_FUNCTION( vLED1FlashTask, pvParameters )
printf(”— change status LED 1″);
xSemaphoreGive( xMutexLed );
portTASK_FUNCTION( vLED2FlashTask, pvParameters )
printf(”— change status LED 2″);
xSemaphoreGive( xMutexLed );
expected result will be: — change status LED 1— change status LED 2
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 2
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 2
………. it mean that task vLED1FlashTask and task vLED2FlashTask will run in consecutively. However, actual result is vLED1FlashTask and task vLED2FlashTask **will not **run in consecutively. as: — change status LED 1
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 2
— change status LED 1
— change status LED 2
— change status LED 2
……………….. There is any bug in FreeRTOS ? Thanks,
Thang Le