cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
The uiptask hangs while trying to configure the (apparently old) phy. In particular it reads the phy ID registers, gets 65535 (all ones), then exits with an error. The task then retries.
Investigating further, the model of phy IC changed. Version 1 of the PCB defines a national part, version 2 of the PCB defines the phy as an SMSC LAN8720. I found the data sheet, and yes, indeed, it seems like the registers being accessed do not even exist on the new phy. That would explain why, on the scope, the signal just rises, with no data bits.
So, does anyone already have code? I will proceed, but it would be a help.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
I would suggest looking at the examples provided by Code Red themselves for that target – they must provide a driver for the PHY on their own board.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
A clever helpful lurker, Rick Drolet, sent me a patch that works. I will attempt to post it.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
It would be really helpful if you could post it here: (where you can upload code)
then I could link to it from the existing rdb1768 page on the site.
Thanks and regards.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
I created an account for the community and can browse the entries, but I can’t seem to find the magic button for a new topic.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
Have a look at the following screen shot – I have highlighted the link with a red box.
cortex m3, lpc1768, code red rdb1768v2 phy
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