freeRTOS programming on linux
I am a student and a newbie to freeRTOS, in my class they asked us to do a project which is creating a propulsion board, that should drive a 2 wheels based Robot. This board may, communicate with the hosted robot which will be able to move it via CAN. And I use a wireless zigbee network to drive it wirelessly via an external joystick (which can be fixed on the hand), which contains an accelerometer to enable driving the base by movement on your hands. The board should send constently information about its position and speed to the joystick which displays it on an LCD display.
Well, i started by collecting the needed hardware, and i’ve chosen for both boards an STM32 micro-controller which is an ARM Coretex-M3 based, and contains all the needed peripherals.
As you can see, the application will need multitasking, and real synchroniza
freeRTOS programming on linux
Hi, your post seems interesting, but it seems you are missed something!
freeRTOS programming on linux
Sorry, I’ve pressed Post comment by falt.
Any way, I’ve then chosen to use an embedded OS, and as one of my friends advised me to use freeRTOS, i’ve chosen to take this one.
Well, I want to develop every thing on linux. I dont want to use proprietary programs. Bacause as i see STM32 developers use IDEs provided by the manufacturer on windows.
I want to use GCC for ARM, and need some advices about the IDE i can use on linux to have fast developpement.
In the other hand I need to ask whether there is a free documentation, or at least a simple startup tutorial, knowing that i have allready had, OS class and i know all the principle behind.
Best regards
freeRTOS programming on linux
Hi Saif,
I’m playing with philips LPC2000 and I built my own tool chain by myself.
As IDE I’m using ECLIPSE, and tools chain is based on GNU gcc + gdb (look for GNU-ARM site, you can find useful info to build the compiler and debugger). I’m using REDHAT NEWLib.
As Jtag you can find very cheap dongle (look for OPENOCD)
freeRTOS programming on linux
Hi Saif,
Hi make demo showing how to use of Eclipse+FreeRTOS+STM32 on Linux. You find more information on the following web page:
freeRTOS programming on linux
thanks guys,
That was really helpful.
I’ll keep in touch with you. In all cases, I’ll open all the resources (PCB,Schematics, and source code) for my project on the Internet once i finish it.
So thanks again
And good luck for all
freeRTOS programming on linux
For instance, my website and the wiki are all in Friench so, maybe it is not very accessible. But once i finish it I’ll try to post an english documentation.
Thanks again