freertos build error

Hello guys, when I build my freertos stm32f0 project i found an error that says” padding struct to align ‘uxDummy10’ [-Werror=padded]”

freertos build error

Which version of FreeRTOS are you using? Which compiler are you using? Which file is the offending line in?

freertos build error

freertos build error


freertos build error

I suspect you have configMAXTASKNAME_LEN set to a value that does not end on a 4 byte alignment, but even so the compiler should then adjust the allignment of the following members, which it is apparently doing. I don’t think that should be an error though, just normal behaviour, you have just set the compiler to tell you it is an error with -Werror=padded.

freertos build error

Now I have this problem undefined reference to vTaskStartScheduler' undefined reference toxTaskCreate’ even if i included all the required headers !!!

freertos build error

Including the headers does not include the functions. Are you building FreeRTOS/source/tasks.c?