Regarding Demo application for MC9S12C32
Will the demo application for MC9S12C32 work for MC9S12DP256B also
Regarding Demo application for MC9S12C32
As far as I know it will work on an MC9S12DP256B – but only with the small memory model meaning you cannot use the entire memory range of the 256.
I think supporting banking will simply be a case of storing the current bank as part of a task context. The hardware I have at present does not allow me to test this however – BUT somebody has kindly volunteered to donate an MC9S12DP256B development board which should arrive in the next week or two. When I have this I will be able to upgrade the port so it supports both small and banked memory models.
In the mean time there is an unsupported port for the 256 a link to which can be found from the HCS12 FreeRTOS page.