FreeRTOS +GCC+STM32f4 Discovery board

Hi, I have started to evaluate the stm32f4 examples , using stm32f4 discovery board, i have used Lwip 1.4.1 , freeRTOS 8.0.0 and GCC command line to build the code, Downloaded the “STM32F4DIS-BB Software Examples” experimenting the example “STM32F4xxEthernetExample/Project/FreeRTOS/httpserver_socket” build it successfully using GCC Makefile. After downloading the code into flash, i have noticed that system restarted after calling “vTaskStartScheduler” Through the uart debug. What could be the reason for continuous restart?. regards kudiarasu

FreeRTOS +GCC+STM32f4 Discovery board

It could be one of many many things. Starting from a watchdog peripheral that needs either periodically kicking or disabling, to failure to install the correct interrupt handlers, incorrect linker script, memory regions overlapping, incorrectly structured tasks, one of the many reasons on the page in the FAQ titled “My application does not run, what could be wrong“, etc. etc. You will have to do a little investigation yourself to track it down, then if you are still having an issue, provide additional details here so we can direct our assistance. Regards.