Terminate a task

Hi, if I started a Task, which do something, but after a while, there is no Response, is there a way to Abort this Task somehow? Just think about ^C functionallity of classical command line Interpreters. Thanks a lot. With best regards Gerhard

Terminate a task

Hi Gerhard,
but after a while, there is no Response
Do you mean there is no response from the task or from the user of the command line interpreter? I suppose that you found ‘vTaskDelete()‘ already, along with the warnings about freeing the memories and other resources? In stead of creating a task per user (or per session), you might also consider creating a single task that serves all users. Every new user that comes in gets a memory object (which stores its status, command history, etc). That object may also contain an idle timer, so that the session will be closed and resources freed after a period of inactivity. Regards.

Terminate a task

Hi Hein, no, I meant no Response from the Task. I dont have a Multi user System in mind, it is a Controller and there is a console Interface to interact with the Hardware, kicking off measurements , post processing Tasks and so on. I just working on the CLI and Shell functionallity and think about the Problem a Tasks hang for what reason ever and I had to stopp this Task. With best regards Gerhard

Terminate a task

You can implement a command that deletes a task, provided you know the handle of the task you want to delete.