4 questions on FreeRTOS
Hello !
I’m french, excuse me the for the faults… i’m VERY bad in English ;(
I work on a report for my etudes
I have 4 questions about FreeRTOS :
1) How much standard supports FreeRTOS ? the list ?
Example MISRA C, DO-178B – A ?, EUROCAE ED-12B, Medical FDA 510(k), IEC 61508 SIL3/SIL4
2) What are the software options available for FreeRTOS ? the number?
Example stack TCP/IP, bluetooth, OSEK, POSIX, µITRON 3.0 ?
3) What are application domain for FreeRTOS ? the list ?
example space, nulear, automotive…
4) What is at present the number of processor supported by FreeRTOS ?
Thank you for your assistant
4 questions on FreeRTOS
I know you have sent me this email directly twice and I have not replied.
I get a whole lot of this type of email, containing great lists of things people want to know if I provide or support. This is actually a short list in comparison. Many times its obviously a standard list that is sent to all RTOS vendors for whatever reason.
I used to reply politely that all the information was available on the WEB site. However, just doing this takes up quite a bit of time.
This is a free open source project. That is giving quite a bit to you already. Unfortunately I don’t want to also spend my personal time doing your research for you too. There are no paid salesmen with a vested interest in making sure you get the answers you want to hear.
4 questions on FreeRTOS
On the site, there is no answer to my questions (clearly)
All right for SafeTROS –> IEC61508
but for freeRTOS –> No answer clear, I suppose that it supports no standard
It’s exact ? YES or NO simply (it’s fast)
And for the domains of application (a fast response by cross, for example –> Space X)
Automotive / transport
Defense / Military
Consumer electronics
You have an order of idea on the number of software options available for FreeRTOS ? 10> or 50> or 100>
Yes I can list software components but I can make a mistake
thanks you for the responses
4 questions on FreeRTOS
"On the site, there is no answer to my questions (clearly) "
I think that is the answer you want then. If there was DO-178B or other certification I think it might mention it.
"And for the domains of application (a fast response by cross, for example –> Space X)
Automotive / transport
Defense / Military
Consumer electronics "
Which are you interested in? This is just a list. You doing a market survey? Probably gets used in all those, expect Nuclear.
4 questions on FreeRTOS
I write for my studies a comparative document on the real-time solutions.
I found an element of indisputable comparison.
--> The support for the systems owner is incomparable…
There are clear and precise answers…
4 questions on FreeRTOS
>I found an element of indisputable comparison.
>–> The support for the systems owner is incomparable…
No idea what this means.
4 questions on FreeRTOS
There is simply a quality support (owner)
For the basic information… Simply
No answer to basic questions ;