FreeRTOS queue bug?

Hi All, I have some problem with queue which I cannot resolve. ~~~ TaskA() { … xQueuePeek(Q, wait_forever); xQueueReceive(Q, 0); xQueueReceive(Q, 0); } ISR(void) { xQueueSendFromISR(Q); } ~~~ I can see that if I get a lot if IRQs then taskA gets stuck at queuePeek even though Q->uxMessagesWaiting is non zero.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Which MCU are you using? That makes a big difference to the what might be suggested. Which version of FreeRTOS are you using? That makes a difference to the diagnostic information the RTOS can provide through assert points. How do you know the interrupt is still firing, and Q->uxMessagesWaiting is not zero? Is that an assumption, or have counted the interrupts that are occurring and viewing Q->uxMessageWaiting using the debugger? ( Do you have configASSERT() defined, and stack overflow detection turned on? ( In the actual code, are you making use of the last parameter in the call to xQueueSendFromISR() to request a context switch from the ISR? See the example code on the following page: Regards.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

I’m using CM4. Version 7.x (I’ll check exactly tomorrow). For checking the uxMessagesWaiting I use a debugger. I use configASSERT() and stack overflow (2) is used. Last parameter to the xQueueSendFromISR() is set to NULL (I remember the version we use allows to use NULL).

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Most likely problem is an interrupt priority misconfiguration. This is a very common (the most common) cause of support requests, so while its not certain, it is a good bet. Later versions of FreeRTOS (the current is V9.0.0) have much more configASSERT() statements to try and trap just that error. I would recommend updating your FreeRTOS version to a newer version as a first step to see if any asserts get hit.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

~~~ /* The lowest interrupt priority that can be used in a call to a “set priority” function. */


/* The highest interrupt priority that can be used by any interrupt service routine that makes calls to interrupt safe FreeRTOS API functions. DO NOT CALL INTERRUPT SAFE FREERTOS API FUNCTIONS FROM ANY INTERRUPT THAT HAS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN THIS! (higher priorities are lower numeric values. */


/* Interrupt priorities used by the kernel port layer itself. These are generic to all Cortex-M ports, and do not rely on any particular library functions. */


/* !!!! configMAXSYSCALLINTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be set to zero !!!! See */


~~~ And the IRQ priority is set to 6 with: ~~~ NVICSetPriority( UART0IRQn, UARTRXINTERUPT_PRIORITY ); ~~~ The system is actually alive, meaning other tasks are running (few of them). And when I investigated the ‘suspended list’ I could find my TaskA on that list. Upgrading the FreeRTOS to latest version is out of question, since we are in final stage of the development. We rather want to get to the bottom of this issue.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Umm, am I missing something, or did you forget to say what UARTRXINTERUPT_PRIORITY is?

FreeRTOS queue bug?

~~~ And the IRQ priority is set to 6 ~~~

FreeRTOS queue bug?

That would seem to be right. Check the value of configPRIO_BITS. Is it hard coded or is it set to a value read from a header file? As we have known the header files provided by vendors to be wrong before. Please also post all the code for the ISR.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Config prio bits is set to 4. IRQ bellow: ~~~ { BaseTypet xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; uint32t dwstatus; uint8t rxchar; uint8t txchar; Uart *puart = (Uart *)CONF_COM_UART;
dw_status = uart_get_status((Uart *)CONF_COM_UART);
if ( dw_status & UART_SR_RXRDY )
    xTimerResetFromISR( xTimerRx, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );

    uart_read( (Uart *)CONF_COM_UART, &rx_char );
    if ( RDI_DFT_ERROR_BUF_OVERFLOW == ProcessChar( (char) rx_char ) )
    frame_rx_ok_led = true;

if ( dw_status & UART_SR_OVRE )

if ( dw_status & UART_SR_TXRDY )
if (vDftGetBufferChar( &tx_char ) )
    xTimerResetFromISR( xTimerTx, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
    p_uart->UART_THR = tx_char;
    p_uart->UART_IDR = UART_IDR_TXRDY;
    frame_tx_ok_led = true;

uart_reset_status((Uart *)CONF_COM_UART);

portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
~~~ The SendFromISR is in ProcessChar after some check.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Config prio bits is set to 4.
I’m afraid I can’t do anything with that information – first because you didn’t say which MCU you were using when asked, and second it will be up to you to determine if this is correct. We have seen the value being wrong in both the header file and user manuals provided by MCU vendors, so some times you need to figure it out yourself (which can be done by writing 255 into a priority register, then reading the value back, to see how many bits ‘stick’ at 1 and how many are read back as 0 – I think the very latest versions of FreeRTOS will validate this automatically if configASSERT() is defined, but it might be that only the head revision in SVN does it). >
IRQ bellow:
There is nothing obviously wrong in your code, provided uart_read() is doing nothing more than reading a character you know is already available from a register. It might be an idea to create a very simple test that does not touch the UART peripheral, but instead sends dummy characters to the queues from a timer interrupt, or something similar, so you can see if you can replicate the issue using basic dummy data from a simple ISR that just has a few lines of code in it.

FreeRTOS queue bug?

Can you please show the ProcessChar() and vDftFlushQueueFromISR() code.