osDelay smaller than expected

Hi, i’m using the STM32L152 DiscoveryIAR example and freeRTOS V9.0 as base for my Projekt on an STM32L4. especially the File STM32Llowpowertickmanagement.c is interrested for our low power handling. ( https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEXSTM32L152DiscoveryIAR/STM32Llowpowertickmanagement.c). Now my problem: In “normal” operation everything works fine. I measure the time with a osDelay(500ms) and a toggling pin. But when having a lot of interrups i see a sporadic negavtive jitter of the osDelay down to ~400ms. If the timer input clock is bigger (#define lpCLOCKINPUT_FREQUENCY ( 1000UL )) than the negative jitter happens more times. With moving the interrupt enable aftervTaskStepTick( ulCompleteTickPeriods ); (Line 366) i can reduce/compensate the negative jitter. But what i not understand is why this negativ jitter can happen, because in the “critical” sections the timer is disabled? Thanks

osDelay smaller than expected

Can you please confirm: 1) This only happens when tickless idle is turned on. 2) The tickless implementation is exactly as per the link you posted above, with no modifications.