Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
I am trying to adjust the PPC405 port of FreeRTOS to the Freescale MPC5516 microcontroller. I am using Codewarrior IDE v5.9.0.
When trying to build the project, there always occours a "declaration syntax error" because of:
portSTACK_TYPE *pxPortInitialiseStack( portSTACK_TYPE *pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters )
It seems that it is not possible because of the "portSTACK_TYPE", which is defined in portmacro.h as unsigned long.
In the function "pxPortInitialiseStack" itself I use someting like:
*pxTopOfStack = 0xDEADBEEF;
This also causes an error message "undefined identifier".
I am not very familiar with the CodeWarrior IDE. Can somebody help me?
Thank you very much in advance.
Regards, simfr
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
Each port has its own portmacro.h file and each project must ensure it includes the correct one. Look in source/include/portable.h to see how this is done. Normally you define a macro in the project to tell the compiler which portmacro.h to include. The alternative is to simply ensure the correct include path is within your project.
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
Thank you very much for your answer, Dave.
But unforunately this is not the problem. If I substitute portSTACK_TYPE with "unsigned long" in port.c to let the function look as follows, the same error messages "declaration syntax error" and "undefined identifier ´pxTopOfStack´ occur:
unsigned long *pxPortInitialiseStack( unsigned long *pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters )
portmacro.h is already included, too.
Am I not allowed to use the type unsigned long in this case?
Regards, simfr
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
unsigned long should not be a problem. Are you certain it is not pdTASK_CODE that is causing the problem?
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
I already checked that.
pdTASK_CODE is defined in projdefs.h as:
typedef void (*pdTASK_CODE)( void * );
Even if I include projdefs.h explicitly in port.c the same error messages occur. Is this the right typedef for pdTASK_CODE?
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
Nothing wrong with the definition. You have a strange one. Could you be editing the wrong file?
Problems with compiling *pxPortInitialiseStac
Thats nearly impossible. I made a project build in the codewarrior IDE and edit the files straight from there. Do you think it´s more problem of the FreeRTOS port or the compiler?