stack pointing wrong?

hey all, i have made a basic task scheduler with some elements of the RTOS system
for example i use the same SAVE_CONTEXT and RESTORE_CONTEXT and initialise stack this is my main:
//main includes
#include "Main.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Scheduler.h"
//task includes
#include "KnipperLed.h"
 * Create task and then start scheduler
void main()
    createTask(knipperLed, 5);  //(address task, priority)
    //here prog never comes
but i have one problem: if the scheduler starts, the stack points to
the createTask from my main routine instead of to the task? how is that possible with the same initialise stack and restore_context?

stack pointing wrong?

This forum has enough to do to support its own RTOS without supporting yours too. I presume you have kept in all the copyright notices?

stack pointing wrong?

nervermind… of course i referenced to freeRTOS