/* only allow cpu0 through */
mrc p15,0,r1,c0,c0,5
and r1, r1, #0xf
cmp r1, #0
beq OKToRun
(… Debugger jumps)
mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0 /* Get the revision */
and r5, r0, #0x00f00000
and r6, r0, #0x0000000f
orr r6, r6, r5, lsr #20-4
(… Debugger jumps)
00000004: stclvc 4, cr0, [r10, #-376]~~~~ The last Step with 00000004 is the last executed Step. afterwards the Debugger wount step any further. And if i click ‘run’ to the next breakpoint nothing happens. This behavior shows with FreeRTOS V8.2.2 and V8.2.0 (or, i tried only these two). My duedate is coming closer and i am absolutly cluless, what i should do to solve this problem. I hope anybody can help me with this one.