SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

Hi, I am trying to build the demo application located in CORTEXSmartFusion2M2S050SoftConsole directory. I followed the instructions to import the project into SoftConsole and I found the RTOSDemo and RTOSDemoHardware_Platform in the workspace as expected, but the two projects are almost void (no tools configured) and cannot be built. If I open the Properties/Tool Chain Editor page the following error is shown: “Orphaned toolchain cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.cross.cortexm3.exe.debug.1648156965 (Microsemi Cortex-M3 Tools)” I am using the latest version of SoftConsole (5.1) Any help is appreciated Daniele

SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

It sounds like the tools have been updated since the project was created. Are there any instructions for importing an older project into a new IDE version? Or alternatively, are there any options in the IDE to change the compiler version being referenced?

SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

I tried with SoftConsole v.4.0 and I got the same result. Which version of SoftConsole was used to create the project?

SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

I can’t recall, but do recall using SoftConsole recently. Have you tried getting the head revision code from the SourceForge hosted SVN repository? Or at least, viewing the repository to see if the project has been updated since the last release.

SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

I checked the repository but I couldn’t find any update of the project. I tried with SoftConsole v.3.4 and eventually I imported the project correctly. Do you know if in the near future the project will be updated to the latest version of MicroSemi tools? Thanks for the support

SmartFusion2 RTOS demo build problem

I have added it to the todo list… Thanks for letting us know there is an issue.