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Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.

FreeRTOS Roadmap

This is the public roadmap for FreeRTOS, including the kernel, FreeRTOS core libraries, and FreeRTOS for AWS libraries.


This is the FreeRTOS roadmap describing the current plans for upcoming features and the stages they are in. It allows FreeRTOS community members to provide direct feedback. The roadmap may change at any time, and roadmap features may not launch as initially proposed.

See the roadmap here.


Q: Why did you build this?
A: This roadmap aims to give you a consolidated overview of FreeRTOS features being worked on or in the pipeline so you can plan your projects accordingly.

Q: Why are there no dates on your roadmap?
A: There are no specific deadlines for members working on feature development because, we understand, there will be unplanned activities (e.g. security fixes, higher-priority features). The roadmap may change at any time, and roadmap features may not launch as initially proposed.

Q: What do the roadmap categories mean?

Roadmap categories - click to enlarge
  • Input Queue- Feature requests that need at least four developer-weeks of effort are listed here. Smaller features will be curated without them being shown in the roadmap.
  • Backlog- Prioritized list (in no order) of new features, updates, and fixes. Design ideas and code contributions are welcome here!
  • In Progress- but further out. Features might still be scoped out or implementation details being worked through.
  • Preview- feature not yet ready for production use, and the API may change when it’s shipped. Feedback welcome!
  • Shipped- production ready code.

Q: How can I request a feature be added to the roadmap?
A: Please open an issue in GitHub! Community submitted issues will become part of Input Queue and will be reviewed by the team. Here is the list of repositories where you can submit feature requests:

  1. FreeRTOS kernel
  2. FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
  3. coreMQTT
  4. coreHTTP
  5. coreMQTT Agent
  6. coreSNTP
  7. coreJSON
  8. corePKCS #11
  9. FreeRTOS Cellular Interface Library
  10. AWS IoT OTA
  11. AWS IoT Device Shadow
  12. AWS IoT Jobs
  13. AWS IoT Device Defender
  14. AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning
  15. Featured FreeRTOS Reference Integrations: Contact us

Q: Does the roadmap show all features being worked on?
A: The majority of the development work for FreeRTOS projects (including the kernel, FreeRTOS core libraries, and FreeRTOS for AWS libraries) are included on this roadmap. In some cases, AWS will have projects we are very excited about that we might launch without notice.

Q: How can I provide feedback or ask for more information?
A: Give us feedback in the FreeRTOS Forums!

Q. How can I contribute code?
A: You can read about how to contribute here.

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