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ff_seteof() [FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API Reference]

int ff_seteof( FF_FILE *pxStream );
  Truncates a file to the file's current read/write position. The file must have previously been opened using ff_fopen() with the mode string set to "a" or "w". Parameters:
pxStream The file being truncated.
Returns: If the file was successfully truncated then zero is returned. If the file could not be truncated then FF_EOF is returned and the task's errno is set to indicate the reason. A task can obtain its errno value using the stdioGET_ERRNO() API function. Example usage:

void vSampleFunction( char *pcFileName, long lTruncatePosition )
FF_FILE *pxFile;

/* Open the file specified by the pcFileName parameter. */
pxFile = ff_fopen( pcFileName, "a" );

/* Move the current read/write position to the position specified by
the lTruncatePosition parameter. */

ff_fseek( pxFile, lTruncatePosition, FF_SEEK_SET );

/* Truncate the file so all data past the current file position is lost. */
if( ff_seteof( pxFile ) != FF_EOF )
/* The truncate failed. */

/* Finished with the file. */
ff_fclose( pxFile );

Example use of the ff_seteof() API function
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