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IPv6 and Multiple Interface Functions

This page summarises the new API calls for IPv6 and multiple interfaces.


* FreeRTOS_IPInit_Multi() replaces the earlier FreeRTOS_IPInit(). It assumes that

* network interfaces and IP-addresses have been configured using the functions

* from FreeRTOS_Routing.h. As a minimum, one interface and one end-point must be

* defined.


BaseType_t FreeRTOS_IPInit_Multi( void );


* *Do not call this function directly*.


* Add a new physical Network Interface. The object pointed to by 'pxInterface'

* must continue to exist as long as TCP is being used.

* Only the Network Interface function xx_FillInterfaceDescriptor() shall

* call this function.


NetworkInterface_t * FreeRTOS_AddNetworkInterface( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );


* Fill-in an IPv4 end-point structure.


* The end-point will be added to the list of end-points, and it will

* be connected to the mentioned interface.


* All parameters are mandatory, they must be valid pointers, although they may

* point to an array of zeros when not in use.


void FreeRTOS_FillEndPoint( NetworkInterface_t * pxNetworkInterface,
NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint,
const uint8_t ucIPAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucNetMask[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucGatewayAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucDNSServerAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucMACAddress[ ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ] );


* Fill-in an IPv6 end-point structure ( IPv6 only ).


* The end-point will be added to the list of end-points, and it will be

* connected to the mentioned interface.


* All parameters are mandatory, they must be valid pointers, although they may

* point to an array of zeros when not in use.


void FreeRTOS_FillEndPoint_IPv6( NetworkInterface_t * pxNetworkInterface,
NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxIPAddress,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxNetPrefix,
size_t uxPrefixLength,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxGatewayAddress,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxDNSServerAddress,
const uint8_t ucMACAddress[ ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ] );


* ipconfigIPv4_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE mode only:

* *Do not call the following function directly*. It is there for downward

* compatibility.


* The function FreeRTOS_IPInit() will call it to initialise the interface

* and end-point objects.


struct xNetworkInterface * pxFillInterfaceDescriptor( BaseType_t xEMACIndex,
struct xNetworkInterface * pxInterface );


* ipconfigIPv4_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE mode only:

* The following function is only provided to allow backward compatibility

* with the earlier version of FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP which had a single interface only.


BaseType_t FreeRTOS_IPInit( const uint8_t ucIPAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucNetMask[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucGatewayAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucDNSServerAddress[ ipIP_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ],
const uint8_t ucMACAddress[ ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ] );


* Returns the addresses stored in an end-point structure.


* Parameters with a value of NULL are ignored.


void FreeRTOS_GetEndPointConfiguration( uint32_t * pulIPAddress,
uint32_t * pulNetMask,
uint32_t * pulGatewayAddress,
uint32_t * pulDNSServerAddress,
const struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxEndPoint );


* Change the configuration of a given end-point. Under normal circumstances,

* this function is not used.


* Parameters with a value of NULL are ignored.


void FreeRTOS_SetEndPointConfiguration( const uint32_t * pulIPAddress,
const uint32_t * pulNetMask,
const uint32_t * pulGatewayAddress,
const uint32_t * pulDNSServerAddress,
struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxEndPoint );


* Send a ping using ICMPv6. When a ping is replied, the hook

* vApplicationPingReplyHook() will be called by the IP-task.


BaseType_t FreeRTOS_SendPingRequestIPv6( const IPv6_Address_t * pxIPAddress,
size_t uxNumberOfBytesToSend,
TickType_t uxBlockTimeTicks );


* Create an IPv6 address. This IPv6 address is based upon a prefix and a

* prefix length.


BaseType_t FreeRTOS_CreateIPv6Address( IPv6_Address_t * pxIPAddress,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxPrefix,
size_t uxPrefixLength,
BaseType_t xDoRandom );


* Send out an ND request for the IPv6 address contained in pxNetworkBuffer,

* and add an entry into the ND table that indicates that an ND reply is

* outstanding so re-transmissions can be generated.


void vNDSendNeighbourSolicitation( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * const pxNetworkBuffer,
const IPv6_Address_t * pxIPAddress );


* FreeRTOS_ClearND() clears the cache that holds MAC- and IPv6 couples.


void FreeRTOS_ClearND( void );


* The last parameter is either ipTYPE_IPv4 or ipTYPE_IPv6.


void * FreeRTOS_GetUDPPayloadBuffer_Multi( size_t uxRequestedSizeBytes,
TickType_t uxBlockTimeTicks,
uint8_t ucIPType );


* Set the MAC-address that belongs to a given IPv6 multi-cast address.


void vSetMultiCastIPv6MacAddress( IPv6_Address_t * pxAddress,
MACAddress_t * pxMACAddress );

Functions to find end-points


* Get the first Network Interface. The function is used to iterate through all

* end-points.


NetworkInterface_t * FreeRTOS_FirstNetworkInterface( void );


* Get the next Network Interface, used after calling FirstNetworkInterface().


NetworkInterface_t * FreeRTOS_NextNetworkInterface( const NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );


* Get the first end-point belonging to a given interface. When pxInterface

* is NULL, the very first end-point will be returned.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FirstEndPoint( const NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );


* Get the next end-point. When pxInterface is null, all end-points can be

* iterated. Used in combination with FreeRTOS_FirstEndPoint().


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_NextEndPoint( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface,
NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint );


* Find the end-point with given IP-address.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindEndPointOnIP_IPv4( uint32_t ulIPAddress,
uint32_t ulWhere );

/* Find the end-point with given IP-address ( IPv6 only ). */
NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindEndPointOnIP_IPv6( const IPv6_Address_t * pxIPAddress );


* Find the end-point with given MAC-address.The search can be limited by

* supplying a particular interface.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindEndPointOnMAC( const MACAddress_t * pxMACAddress,
const NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );


* Find the best fitting end-point to reach a given IP-address. Find an end-point

* whose IP-address is in the same network as the IP-address provided.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindEndPointOnNetMask( uint32_t ulIPAddress,
uint32_t ulWhere );

/* IPv6 only */
NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindEndPointOnNetMask_IPv6( const IPv6_Address_t * pxIPv6Address );

/* Get the first end-point belonging to a given interface.


* When pxInterface is NULL, the very first end-point will be returned ( IPv6

* only ).


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FirstEndPoint_IPv6( const NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );


* An Ethernet packet has come in on a certain network interface. Find the best

* matching end-point.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_MatchingEndpoint( const NetworkInterface_t * pxNetworkInterface,
const uint8_t * pucEthernetBuffer );


* Find an end-point that has a defined gateway.


* xIPType should equal ipTYPE_IPv4 or ipTYPE_IPv6.


NetworkEndPoint_t * FreeRTOS_FindGateWay( BaseType_t xIPType );
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