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接收 UDP 数据(零拷贝接口)
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP 联网教程节选

用于查询时间的 FreeRTOS_recvfrom() TCP/IP 堆栈 API 函数用于从 UDP 套接字接收数据。 只有在 套接字创建、配置并 绑定本地端口号后,才能接收数据。

正如 FreeRTOS_recvfrom() API 引用页面所述,FreeRTOS_recvfrom() 可以与标准调用语义或零拷贝调用语义一起使用。 本页演示的是零拷贝调用语义。

下方源代码所述的 RTOS 任务在进入 使用零拷贝调用语义接收数据的循环前创建了套接字。 源代码中的 注释提供了采用零拷贝方案时如何使用 网络缓冲区的重要信息。

static void vUDPReceivingUsingZeroCopyInterface( void *pvParameters )
int32_t lBytes;
uint8_t *pucUDPPayloadBuffer;
struct freertos_sockaddr xClient, xBindAddress;
uint32_t xClientLength = sizeof( xClient ), ulIPAddress;
Socket_t xListeningSocket;

/* Attempt to open the socket. */
xListeningSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET,
/* FREERTOS_AF_INET6 to be used for IPv6 */

/* Check the socket was created. */
configASSERT( xListeningSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET );

/* Bind to port 10000. */
xBindAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( 10000 );
FreeRTOS_bind( xListeningSocket, &xBindAddress, sizeof( xBindAddress ) );

for( ;; )
/* Receive data from the socket. ulFlags has the zero copy bit set
(FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY) indicating to the stack that a reference to the
received data should be passed out to this RTOS task using the second
parameter to the FreeRTOS_recvfrom() call. When this is done the
IP stack is no longer responsible for releasing the buffer, and
the RTOS task must return the buffer to the stack when it is no longer
needed. By default the block time is portMAX_DELAY but it can be
changed using FreeRTOS_setsockopt(). */

lBytes = FreeRTOS_recvfrom( xListeningSocket,
&xClientLength );

if( lBytes > 0 )
/* Data was received and can be processed here. */

if( lBytes >= 0 )
/* The receive was successful so this RTOS task is now responsible for
the buffer. The buffer must be freed once it is no longer
needed. */

* The data can be processed here.

/* Return the buffer to the TCP/IP stack. */
FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer( pucUDPPayloadBuffer );
使用 FreeRTOS_recvfrom() 与零拷贝(和标准相反)调用语义的示例

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